Prompt Engineering Course: Master the Art of Prompting Large Language Models

Prompt Engineering Course: Master the Art of Prompting Large Language Models

Prompt Engineering working with Labtop

What is prompt engineering?

Prompt engineering is the process of designing and refining prompts to guide the behavior of large language models (LLMs) and other AI models. It is a relatively new field, but it has quickly become essential for getting the most out of these powerful tools.

The importance of prompt engineering

Prompt engineering is important because it allows us to control how LLMs generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer our questions. With prompt engineering, LLMs would only generate text based on their own internal knowledge and biases, which could lead to accurate, relevant, or even harmful outputs.

Benefits of using prompt engineering

There are many benefits to using prompt engineering, including:

  • Improved accuracy and relevance: Prompt engineering can help LLMs generate more accurate and relevant outputs by providing them with more context and guidance.
  • Increased flexibility: Prompt engineering allows us to use LLMs for a wider range of tasks by designing prompts that are tailored to specific needs.
  • Enhanced creativity: Prompt engineering can help LLMs generate more creative and interesting text by providing them with new ideas and perspectives.
  • Reduced bias: Prompt engineering can reduce bias in LLMs by providing them with more balanced and representative data.

How Prompt Engineering Works

Prompt engineering works by providing LLMs with instructions and context that help them to generate the desired output. This can be done in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Providing examples: By providing LLMs with examples of the desired output, we can help them learn what we are looking for.
  • Using natural language: We can use natural language to instruct LLMs to perform specific tasks, such as writing a poem, translating a sentence, or answering a question.
  • Using code: We can also instruct LLMs to perform complex tasks, such as generating a report or developing a new software application.

Types of prompts

There are two main types of prompts:

  • Explicit prompts: Explicit prompts explicitly instruct LLMs to perform a specific task. For example, the prompt "Write a poem about a cat" is an explicit prompt.
  • Implicit prompts: Implicit prompts provide LLMs with context and guidance without explicitly instructing them to perform a specific task. For example, the prompt "I love cats" is an implicit prompt.

Best practices for prompt engineering

Here are some best practices for prompt engineering:

  • Be clear and specific: When writing prompts, be as clear and specific as possible. This will help LLMs to understand what you are asking for and generate more accurate and relevant outputs.
  • Provide context: Providing LLMs with context can help them generate more accurate and informative outputs. For example, if you are asking an LLM to write a news article, you could provide it with the following context: "Write a news article about the recent earthquake in Japan."
  • Use examples: Providing LLMs with examples of the desired output is a great way to help them learn what you are looking for. For example, if you are asking an LLM to generate a creative text format, you could provide it with some examples of creative text formats that you like.
  • Test and refine: Once you have written a prompt, be sure to test it and refine it as needed. This will help you to ensure that the prompt is generating the desired outputs.

Prompt engineering for text generation

When prompt engineering for text generation, the goal is to provide the LLM with enough context and guidance to generate the desired output. This can be done by providing the LLM with examples of the desired output, using natural language to instruct the LLM, or using code to specify the desired output format.

Here are some examples of prompt engineering for text generation:

  • Generating different creative text formats: To generate a poem, you could provide the LLM with the following prompt: "Write a poem about a cat." To generate a news article, you could provide the LLM with the following prompt: "Write a news article about the recent earthquake in Japan."
  • Writing different kinds of creative content: To generate a script, you could provide the LLM with the following prompt: "Write a scene in a script between a man and a woman who is falling in love." To generate a musical piece, you could provide the LLM with the following prompt: "Write a song in the style of pop music."
  • Answering your questions in an informative way: To generate an informative answer to a question, you could provide the LLM with the following prompt: "What is the capital of France?"

Prompt engineering for translation

When prompt engineering for translation, the goal is to provide the LLM with enough context and guidance to translate the input text accurately. This can be done by providing the LLM with the source and target languages, the type of translation required (e.g., formal or informal), and any other relevant context.

Here are some examples of prompt engineering for translation:

  • Translating a sentence from English to Spanish: To translate the sentence "I love cats" from English to Spanish, you could provide the LLM with the following prompt: "Translate the sentence 'I love cats' from English to Spanish."
  • Translating a document from French to Chinese: To translate a document from French to Chinese, you could provide the LLM with the following prompt: "Translate the attached document from French to Chinese. The document is a formal business proposal."

Prompt engineering for code generation

When prompt engineering for code generation, the goal is to provide the LLM with enough context and guidance to generate the desired code. This can be done by providing the LLM with the programming language, the desired functionality of the code, and any other relevant context.

Here are some examples of prompt engineering for code generation:

  • Generating a function in Python: To generate a function in Python that calculates the factorial of a number, you could provide the LLM with the following prompt: "Generate a Python function that calculates the factorial of a number."
  • Generating a class in Java: To generate a class in Java that represents a bank account, you could provide the LLM with the following prompt: "Generate a Java class that represents a bank account. The class should have the following methods: deposit(), withdraw(), and getBalance()."

Prompt engineering for creative writing

When prompt engineering for creative writing, the goal is to provide the LLM with enough context and guidance to generate a creative and interesting piece of writing. This can be done by providing the LLM with the genre, setting, characters, and plot of the desired story.

Here are some examples of prompt engineering for creative writing:

  • Generating a short story in the science fiction genre: To generate a short story in the science fiction genre, you could provide the LLM with the following prompt: "Write a short science fiction story about a group of astronauts who discover a new planet."
  • Generating a poem in the style of Shakespeare: To generate a poem in the style of Shakespeare, you could provide the LLM with the following prompt: "Write a Shakespearean sonnet about the beauty of nature."

Prompt engineering for other tasks

Prompt engineering can also be used for a variety of other tasks, such as:

  • Generating summaries of documents: To generate a summary of a document, you could provide the LLM with the following prompt: "Summarize the attached document in no more than 200 words."
  • Classifying text: To classify text, you could provide the LLM with the following prompt: "Classify the attached email as spam or not spam."
  • Answering questions about a dataset: To answer questions about a dataset, you could provide the LLM with the following prompt: "What is the average age of the people in the dataset?"

N-shot prompting

N-shot prompting is a technique that can be used to improve the performance of LLMs on tasks where there is limited labeled data. It works by providing the LLM with a few examples of the desired input-output pairs (i.e., N shots), and then asking the LLM to generate the desired output for a new input.

For example, if you are training an LLM to translate from English to Spanish, you could provide the LLM with the following N shots:

Input: I love cats.
Output: Me encantan los gatos.

Input: The dog is barking.
Output: El perro está ladrando.

Once the LLM has been trained on these N shots, you could then ask the LLM to translate the following sentence:

Input: The cat is playing with the ball.

The LLM would then be able to generate the following output:

Output: El gato está jugando con la pelota.

CoT prompting

CoT prompting (Chain-of-Thought prompting) is a technique that can be used to improve the performance of LLMs on tasks where the desired output requires multiple steps of reasoning. It works by providing the LLM with a prompt that breaks down the task into a series of smaller steps.

For example, if you are asking an LLM to answer a complex question, you could provide the LLM with the following CoT prompt:

Step 1: Summarize the relevant facts from the following text: [text]
Step 2: Identify the key question that is being asked.
Step 3: Generate an answer to the key question using the facts from Step 1.

The LLM would then be able to generate a more comprehensive and informative answer to the question.


Self-consistency is a technique that can be used to improve the performance of LLMs on tasks where the desired output is required to be consistent with itself. It works by providing the LLM with a prompt that asks it to generate an output that is consistent with a set of constraints.

For example, if you are asking an LLM to generate a news article, you could provide the LLM with the following self-consistency constraint:

The article must be consistent with the following facts:
* The article must be about the recent earthquake in Japan.
* The article must be written in a formal style.
* The article must be at least 500 words long.

The LLM would then be able to generate a news article that is consistent with all of these constraints.

Other advanced techniques

There are a number of other advanced prompt engineering techniques that can be used to improve the performance of LLMs on a variety of tasks. Some of these techniques include:

  • Using prompts to control the style and tone of the generated output
  • Using prompts to generate different creative text formats
  • Using prompts to generate code in different programming languages
  • Using prompts to generate answers to questions that require multiple steps of reasoning

Available prompt engineering tools

There are a number of prompt engineering tools available, including:

  • PTPT (Prompt To Plain Text): A command-line tool that allows you to easily convert plain text files using pre-defined prompts with the help of ChatGPT.
  • PromptAppGPT (PromptAppGPT): A low-code prompt-based rapid app development framework. PromptAppGPT contains features such as low-code prompt-based development, GPT text generation, DALLE image generation, online prompt editor+compiler+runner, automatic user interface generation, support for plug-in extensions, etc. PromptAppGPT aims to enable natural language app development based on GPT.
  • PromptBase (PromptBase): A prompt marketplace where you can find and share prompts for a variety of tasks.
  • PromptHero (PromptHero): A tool that helps you to generate prompts for a variety of tasks.
  • AI Playground (AI Playground): A website where you can try out different AI models, including tools for prompt engineering.

Online resources for learning about prompt engineering

There are a number of online resources where you can learn about prompt engineering, including:

  • Prompt Engineering Guide (Prompt Engineering Guide): A comprehensive guide to prompt engineering, created by Google AI.
  • Awesome-Prompt-Engineering (Awesome-Prompt-Engineering): A curated list of resources for prompt engineering, created by the Prompt Engineering community.
  • Prompt Engineering Learning Hub (Prompt Engineering Learning Hub): A learning hub for prompt engineering, created by PromptBase.
  • PromptCraft (PromptCraft): A website with tutorials and articles on prompt engineering.
  • PromptWizard (PromptWizard): A website with a variety of resources for prompt engineering, including a prompt library, a prompt generator, and a prompt playground.

Communities for prompt engineers

There are a number of communities where prompt engineers can connect and share knowledge, including:

  • Prompt Engineering Discord (Prompt Engineering Discord): A Discord server for prompt engineers.
  • Prompt Engineering subreddit (Prompt Engineering subreddit): A subreddit for prompt engineers.
  • Prompt Engineering Slack (Prompt Engineering Slack): A Slack channel for prompt engineers.
  • Prompt Engineering LinkedIn group (Prompt Engineering LinkedIn group): A LinkedIn group for prompt engineers.

Real-world case studies of how prompt engineering is being used

Prompt engineering is being used to solve a wide range of real-world problems, including:

  • Generating creative content: Prompt engineering is being used to generate creative content, such as poems, scripts, musical pieces, and email. For example, the company PromptAppGPT is using prompt engineering to develop a low-code prompt-based rapid app development framework.
  • Translating languages: Prompt engineering is being used to improve the accuracy and fluency of machine translation. For example, the Google Translate team is using prompt engineering to develop new translation models that are better at handling complex and nuanced language.
  • Writing code: Prompt engineering is being used to generate code in different programming languages. For example, the company GitHub Copilot is using prompt engineering to develop a code completion tool that helps developers write code more quickly and efficiently.
  • Answering questions: Prompt engineering is being used to develop AI models that can answer questions in a more comprehensive and informative way. For example, the company Google Search is using prompt engineering to develop new search models that are better at understanding the intent of search queries and providing relevant and accurate results.

How to use prompt engineering to solve real-world problems

To use prompt engineering to solve real-world problems, you can follow these steps:

  1. Identify the problem that you want to solve. What are the inputs and outputs of the problem? What kind of output are you looking for?
  2. Choose the right prompt engineering technique. There are a variety of prompt engineering techniques available, such as N-shot prompting, CoT prompting, and self-consistency. Choose a technique that is appropriate for the problem that you are trying to solve and the data that you have available.
  3. Design the prompt. The prompt should be clear and concise, and it should provide the AI model with enough context and guidance to generate the desired output.
  4. Test the prompt. Once you have designed the prompt, test it out to see if it generates the desired output. If not, refine the prompt as needed.
  5. Deploy the prompt. Once you are satisfied with the prompt, you can deploy it to production. This may involve integrating the prompt with an existing AI model or developing a new AI model around the prompt.

Here is an example of how prompt engineering can be used to solve a real-world problem:

Imagine that you are a customer service representative at a large company. You receive thousands of customer inquiries each day, and it can be difficult to keep up with the demand. You could use prompt engineering to develop a chatbot that can answer customer questions for you.

To do this, you would first need to identify the types of questions that customers typically ask. Once you have identified these questions, you could design a prompt for each question. For example, the prompt for the question "How do I reset my password?" could be:

Write a response to the following customer inquiry:

Customer inquiry: How do I reset my password?


You could then train a chatbot on these prompts. Once the chatbot is trained, you could deploy it to production to answer customer questions for you.

Prompt engineering is a powerful tool that can be used to solve a wide range of real-world problems. By following the steps outlined above, you can use prompt engineering to develop AI models that can automate tasks, generate creative content, and answer questions in a comprehensive and informative way.

The potential impact of prompt engineering on different industries and applications

Prompt engineering has the potential to revolutionize many different industries and applications. For example, it can be used to:

  • Improve the efficiency and accuracy of customer service: Prompt engineering can be used to develop chatbots and other AI-powered customer service tools that can answer customer questions and resolve issues more quickly and efficiently than human representatives.
  • Increase the creativity and productivity of content creators: Prompt engineering can be used to help content creators generate new ideas, write more engaging content, and produce high-quality content at scale.
  • Accelerate the development of new products and services: Prompt engineering can be used to help developers and researchers generate new ideas, design and test new products and services, and bring them to market faster.
  • Improve the accuracy and efficiency of scientific research: Prompt engineering can be used to help scientists design and conduct experiments, analyze data, and generate new insights.

Here are some specific examples of how prompt engineering is already being used in different industries and applications:

  • In the healthcare industry, prompt engineering is being used to develop AI models that can diagnose diseases, recommend treatments, and personalize patient care.
  • In the financial industry, prompt engineering is being used to develop AI models that can detect fraud, predict market trends, and generate investment recommendations.
  • In the legal industry, prompt engineering is used to develop AI models that can review contracts, identify legal issues, and generate legal documents.
  • In the education industry, prompt engineering is being used to develop AI models that can create personalized learning plans, provide feedback to students, and grade assignments.

Challenges that need to be addressed for prompt engineering to reach its full potential

Prompt engineering is a rapidly developing field, but there are still some challenges that need to be addressed before it can reach its full potential. Some of these challenges include:

  • The need for more training data: Prompt engineering models need to be trained on large datasets of prompts and outputs in order to generate accurate and reliable results. This can be a challenge for tasks where there is limited labeled data available.
  • The need for better tools and resources: There is a need for better tools and resources to help people design and develop prompts. This includes tools for prompt generation, prompt testing, and prompt deployment.
  • The need for more research: More research is needed to develop new prompt engineering techniques and to understand how to best apply prompt engineering to different tasks and domains.

Despite these challenges, prompt engineering has the potential to revolutionize many different industries and applications. As the field continues to develop, we can expect to see even more innovative and impactful uses of prompt engineering in the future.


Prompt engineering is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the performance of large language models on a wide range of tasks. By understanding the different types of prompts and the best practices for prompt engineering, you can design prompts that will help LLMs generate more accurate, relevant, and creative outputs.

As prompt engineering continues to develop, we can expect to see even more innovative and impactful uses of prompt engineering in the future. For example, prompt engineering could be used to develop new AI-powered tools that can help us to be more productive, creative, and informed.

If you are interested in learning more about prompt engineering, please check out the resources listed in Module 5 of this course.

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