List of 20 New Technology Inventions for the Future

Future Technology Inventions

List of 20 New Technology Inventions for the Future


  • Neurohacking: Neurohacking is a subclass of biohacking that seeks to improve brain function by using chemical supplements, devices, or exercises. It has been around since the 1980s and is performed via do-it-yourself (DIY) methods by in-home users .
  • Hyperloop

  • Hyperloop: Hyperloop is a proposed system for both public and goods transport in tubes, using capsules supported by air-bearings and propelled by fans or linear induction motors. It was first proposed by Elon Musk and SpaceX engineers in 2012 and has been tested by various companies and organizations since then ⁶⁷.
  • Pod Taxi

  • Pod Taxi: Pod taxis are a type of public transit designed to move people quickly through crowded places. They are constructed over congested roads and highways and function similarly to the conventional rail and streetcar network. They are autonomous, driverless cars with a capacity of four to six passengers ¹²¹³.
  • Human head transplant

  • Human head transplant: A human head transplant is an experimental surgical operation involving the grafting of one organism's head onto the body of another. Experimentation in animals began in the early 1900s. As of 2023, no lasting successes have been achieved ¹⁶.
  • Underwater city

  • Underwater city: An underwater city is a self-sustaining city that is built underwater. It is a concept that has been explored by architects and urban planners for decades but has yet to be fully realized ¹.
  • Food Pills

  • Food Pills: Food pills are nutritious pills that can replace traditional meals. They are a concept that has been explored in science fiction for decades but has yet to be fully realized ¹.
  • Automatic Cars

  • Automatic Cars: Automatic cars are cars that can drive themselves without human intervention. They use a combination of sensors, cameras, and machine learning algorithms to navigate roads and avoid obstacles. Several companies, including Tesla, Google, and Uber, are working on developing autonomous vehicles ¹.
  • Edible Food wraps

  • Edible Food wraps: Edible food wraps are wraps made from edible materials that can be eaten along with the food. They are a sustainable alternative to traditional plastic wraps and are made from materials such as beeswax, soy wax, and plant-based fibers ¹.
  • Robot Maids

  • Robot Maids: Robot maids are robots that can perform household chores and other tasks. They are a concept that has been explored in science fiction for decades but has yet to be fully realized. However, several companies, including iRobot and Samsung, have developed robotic vacuum cleaners and other cleaning devices ¹.
  • Edible water blobs

  • Edible water blobs: Edible water blobs are water-filled blobs made from edible materials that can be consumed. They are a sustainable alternative to traditional plastic water bottles and are made from materials such as seaweed extract ¹.
  • Universal Translator

  • Universal Translator: A universal translator is a device that can translate languages in real-time. Several companies, including Google and Microsoft, have developed translation software that can translate text and speech in real-time ¹.
  • Vertical Farming

  • Vertical Farming: Vertical farming is a method of farming that involves growing crops in vertically stacked layers. It is a sustainable alternative to traditional farming and can be used to grow crops in urban areas ¹.
  • Prosthetic Limbs

  • Prosthetic Limbs: Prosthetic limbs are artificial limbs that can be controlled by the user's thoughts. They are a concept that has been explored for decades, but recent advances in technology have made them more advanced and accessible ¹.
  • Virtual Reality Store

  • Virtual Reality Store: A virtual reality store is a store that allows customers to shop in a virtual environment. It is a concept that has been explored by several companies, including eBay and Alibaba ¹.
  • Wireless electricity

  • Wireless electricity: Wireless electricity is a technology that allows electricity to be transmitted wirelessly. It is a concept that has been explored for decades, but recent advances in technology have made it more feasible ¹.
  • Bionic Vision

  • Bionic Vision: Bionic vision is a technology that restores vision to people who are blind. It involves implanting a device in the eye that can stimulate the optic nerve and create visual images ¹.
  • Augmented Reality Gaming

  • Augmented Reality Gaming: Augmented reality gaming is a type of gaming that involves overlaying digital images onto the real world. It is a concept that has been explored by several companies, including Google and Apple ¹.
  • Space Drones

  • Space Drones: Space drones are drones that can be used to explore space. They are a concept that has been explored by several companies, including NASA and SpaceX ¹.
  • Brain Print Password

  • Brain Print Password: A brain print password is a security system that uses the unique patterns of a person's brain to verify their identity. It is a concept that has been explored by several companies, including IBM [Source].


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